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GRE®, TOEFL®, Test 2020 by Top Learners 5.6.8
Top Learners
TopLearners app provides online courses & practice material forGRE & TOEFL Exams along with Mock test. With TopLearnersadaptive ML - driven algorithms, We provide material & questionto improve your knowledge and skills. - GRE Top Learners provideyou complete GRE video Courses and GRE Question bank to boost yourpreparation. - TOEFL Are you aiming for 110+ in TOEFL ® exam forthat competitive scholarship? Despite overall English skills, areyou still not confident about TOEFL ® due to lack of resources? Areyou struggling to transform from beginner level English to advancedlevel English communication skill? Infinite TOEFL® provides a360-degree solution for TOEFL® Test Preparation. Some of thepopular features available on the app are: - Video Courses- Getaccess to multiple TOEFL and English Video Courses. 1. TOEFLStrategies: A Complete Guide to the IBT video course by Jeff Kolby2. How to Speak English Fluently - Video Course by Terry Mc Gonigle3. English Grammar Launch Advanced - Upgrade your speaking byAnthony Kellehar 4. English Grammar Rules - SPEAKING Read apassage, listen to a conversation and then answer a question byrecording your response. - LISTENING Listen to an academic lectureand then answer multiple-choice questions - WRITING Read anarticle, listen to a conversation about the article and draft awritten response - READING Read a long passage and then answerquestion-based on the passage - SAMPLE RESPONSES Learn from sampleaudio responses of top users - EVALUATIONS FROM EXPERTS Get yourresponses evaluated by experts. The score report includes a fullanalysis of language use, delivery, content and topic development -VOCABULARY FLASHCARDS Practice and learn vocabulary via flashcardsof English words packaged with a powerful machine-learningalgorithm to facilitate 4-5 times faster vocabulary learning -PRACTICE TEST Give speaking test and practice in a real exam likethe environment and learn to crack TOEFL speaking test - REFER ANDGET FREE SCORE Now Refer your friend and get a free score for yourresponse To get a good score in the TOEFL ® exam, you must do thefollowing things: - Familiarize yourself with test format of everysection: reading, listening, speaking, writing - it takes some timeto get used to - Practice under the pressure of countdown timer,real TOEFL ® exam-like simulation and with proper exam instructionsand guidance - Practice TOEFL exam like environment inside the appfor full grip in the Speaking questions - Learn from the sampleanswers from top users across the world. - Get your responsesevaluated from experts beforehand to know your downsides andpreparation status. - 500+ curated TOEFL practise questionscovering a wide variety of popular topics. - Build Englishvocabulary and proper accent through flashcards - Watch videolessons and tips provided at the start of each TOEFL ® sectionsWith all these now complete your TOEFL prep with full coverage ofTOEFL speaking, TOEFL listening, TOEFL writing and TOEFL readingwith free TOEFL samples right now and don't leave any stoneunturned. Apart from the TOEFL® exam, our users are also using theapp for - Preparation of IELTS, TOIEC ®, and other English exams -Improvement of English speaking and grammar skills - Improvement ofcommunication, reasoning skills and debating skills - Learn Englishconversation and pronunciations by listening, especially with theAmerican accent Don't simply trust our words, check out nearlyperfect ratings and reviews from our users 😎 TOEFL® and GRE® areregistered trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS) in theUnited States and other countries. This app is not endorsed orapproved by ETS.
TimeTrix 1.0
Top Learners
Using this application you can easily create short notesandcategorize them in different tags and section. Features: 1. Youcancreate multiple notes and put tags into them 2. Separatesectionfor starred notes 3. You can create multiple sections in theapp 4.All notes are secured in your phone 5. Inbuilt passwordprotection6. Add reminders and calendar events This app is a opensourceproject and you can find the source codeat